Get to know the thought leaders sharing their insights at the Future Work Scenarios event (12 May, London) in our dedicated speaker interview series.
Independent Forums: What are you currently reading? Grantley Morgan: Books on business growth, exponential disruption and electrification!
Independent Forums: What is your favourite way to recharge?
Grantley Morgan: The answer for 2022 has to be travel! After FWS I’m heading to Croatia and sailing for the rest of May!
Independent Forums: Who or what has inspired you this year and why?
Grantley Morgan: Volodymyr Zelensky and the people of Ukraine, for proving that no matter the odds, with a shared purpose and excellent leadership humanity will always prevail!
Independent Forums: What is your biggest source of motivation?
Grantley Morgan: The pace of change around us, and the oft-hidden truth that more about the talent world is constant than we sometimes care to remember!
Independent Forums: How would you describe a typical day?
Grantley Morgan: A blend of sense-making, paradigm-breaking and good old-fashioned operational excellence.
Independent Forums: What’s one thing about you that most people don’t know?
Grantley Morgan: I’m planning a career pivot at 50 – my objective is to fully-restore a Roman villa from which I’ll run boutique Rome travel experiences.
Independent Forums: What’s one thing about your organisation that you wish more people knew?
Grantley Morgan: We’re more than a staffing company. 😊
Independent Forums: What habit have you picked up during the pandemic that you will maintain in future?
Grantley Morgan: Making at least 30% of weekly meals Vegan – healthy, tasty, great for the planet and a huge outlet for creativity.
Independent Forums: How has your perception about the world of work evolved over the past two years?
Grantley Morgan: We’ve seen 3 hallmarks of post-pandemic work accelerate in almost all organisations – increasingly our talent models need to be agile, digital, and personal. Teams need to form and re-form around business priorities with agility, work must have highly digital content and be delivered by digitally dextrous workers, and the offer we make to all workers must be personalised to their value drivers.
Independent Forums: Where do you see the biggest opportunity to transform the way we work?
Grantley Morgan: Truly global talent models, incorporating global employment platforms like Oyster, task platforms like Fiverr and internal talent marketplaces like Fuel50. The challenge is how to hold all of that together through the talent lifecycle, whilst building a skilled talent supply chain which provides a sustainable growth advantage.
Independent Forums: What are you most looking forward to at Future Work Scenarios 2022?
Grantley Morgan: The chance to be building relationships in a room again, oh how we’ve missed that!
Grantley Morgan will chair the Future Work Scenarios event on 12 May in London.
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