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Speaker Interview: Andy Hepworth

Get to know the thought leaders sharing their insight at the Future Work Scenarios event (11 May, London) in our dedicated speaker interview series.


Independent Forums: What are you currently reading? Andy Hepworth: I like nothing more than curling up with a good book at the end of a long day. I’m currently reading a collection of short stories that I received as a Christmas present.

Independent Forums: What is your favourite way to recharge? Andy Hepworth: I enjoy challenging myself at the gym. I find it helps both my mind and body.

Independent Forums: Who or what has inspired you this year and why? Andy Hepworth: There are already many terrible situations happening around the world this year. Some of the news that has come out of them has been heart-breaking. However, there have also been some incredibly inspiring stories, showing the strength of human character in the face of immense challenges and adversity.

Independent Forums: What is your biggest source of motivation? Andy Hepworth: To overcome challenges that lead to a better outcome for the people I work with, and those our company supports.

Independent Forums: How would you describe a typical day? Andy Hepworth: Work-wise, I’m normally moving between many different subjects, often on very different topics. My personal life can be equally as busy!

Independent Forums: What’s one thing about you that most people don’t know? Andy Hepworth: I once completed two Guinness World Records in the same day.

Independent Forums: What’s one thing about your organisation that you wish more people knew? Andy Hepworth: We are a very big company that achieves many great things for a range of different clients. I’d love people to find out more about some of the brilliant stories of how we‘ve helped our customers achieve success.

Independent Forums: How has your perception about the world of work evolved over the past three years? Andy Hepworth: The Future of Work programme I’ve been running has given me a real insight into many people’s work (and sometimes personal) lives, and it’s really brought home the fact that no two people’s circumstances are ever the same – we are all unique in our own way.

Independent Forums: Where do you see the biggest opportunity to transform the way we work? Andy Hepworth: We’re living in an age of massive technological transformation, and I think technology will keep bringing us new opportunities (as well as decisions and challenges).

Independent Forums: What are you most looking forward to at Future Work Scenarios 2023? Andy Hepworth: Hearing lots of different viewpoints and generating some new thoughts and ideas.


Andy Hepworth will join a panel exploring the future of AI, skills & learning at FWS23 on 11 May in London.

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