Get to know the thought leaders sharing their insight at the Future Work Scenarios event (11 May, London) in our dedicated speaker interview series.
Independent Forums: What are you currently reading? Chris Porter: 100 Mindsets of Challenger Leaders, by Dehnugara and Breeze.
Independent Forums: What is your favourite way to recharge? Chris Porter: Exercise! And Podcasts.
Independent Forums: Who or what has inspired you this year and why? Chris Porter: Elon Musk’s achievements commercially and technically cannot be challenged. He might not be the best leader of people, but man he is impactful and effective with his businesses.
Independent Forums: What is your biggest source of motivation? Chris Porter: Making people feel great about life and work.
Independent Forums: How would you describe a typical day? Chris Porter: Up early reading, exercise, a full day of meetings and thinking, dinner with the kids, reading or series with my life partner.
Independent Forums: What’s one thing about you that most people don’t know? Chris Porter: I sit on the trustee committee for a local charity in Hampshire.
Independent Forums: What’s one thing about your organisation that you wish more people knew? Chris Porter: We are deeply digital and have a very interesting portfolio in which to play from a digital perspective.
Independent Forums: How has your perception about the world of work evolved over the past three years?
Chris Porter: It’s changing fast. More complex. More competitive than ever. Much more expected from employers, and what employees will soon discover – from them too.
Independent Forums: Where do you see the biggest opportunity to transform the way we work? Chris Porter: Leadership and technology levers.
Independent Forums: What are you most looking forward to at Future Work Scenarios 2023? Chris Porter: Networking and learning new things from others!
Chris Porter will join a panel exploring the future of leadership at FWS23 on 11 May in London.
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