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Speaker Interview: Richard Taylor

Get to know the thought leaders sharing their insights at the Future Work Scenarios event (12 May, London) in our dedicated speaker interview series.


Independent Forums: What are you currently reading?

Richard Taylor: Fightback, an eco-warrior thriller.

Independent Forums: What is your favourite way to recharge?

Richard Taylor: Reading paper-version newspapers.

Independent Forums: Who or what has inspired you this year and why?

Richard Taylor: One of my team members that is something as rare as a digital recruiting marketeer. When trying to build an organisation from 200 up to 10,000 people his insights are like gold dust!

Independent Forums: What is your biggest source of motivation?

Richard Taylor: Understanding new stuff.

Independent Forums: How would you describe a typical day?

Richard Taylor: Being curious, moving forward, finding time both to breathe and support other people.

Independent Forums: What’s one thing about you that most people don’t know?

Richard Taylor: I was a junkie counsellor for many years.

Independent Forums: What’s one thing about your organisation that you wish more people knew?

Richard Taylor: For my employer, nothing really. For my HR tech start-up – that we existed at all and have a ground-breaking digital solution for helping managers succeed in new roles!

Independent Forums: What habit have you picked up during the pandemic that you will maintain in future?

Richard Taylor: Baking bread when working from home.

Independent Forums: How has your perception about the world of work evolved over the past two years?

Richard Taylor: More of a getting older thing: ever weaker need to have to be right, ever stronger desire to nurture others.

Independent Forums: Where do you see the biggest opportunity to transform the way we work?

Richard Taylor: I really believe that doing much more to help people get a good start in a new role is the most important thing we can do to help people and organisations thrive. We must take onboarding to the next level and make it relevant for all work-role transitions, two thirds of which are internal.

Independent Forums: What are you most looking forward to at Future Work Scenarios 2022?

Richard Taylor: Meeting highly qualified people in my own field.


Richard Taylor will deliver an insightful talk at the Future Work Scenarios event on 12 May in London. His talk will address the moments that really matter, explore why we need to rethink our approach to onboarding and transitions, and share ways to help managers and employees succeed in 100 days.

Register here to join the discussion.


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