Get to know the thought leaders sharing their insight at the Future Work Scenarios event (11 May, London) in our dedicated speaker interview series.
Independent Forums: What are you currently reading?
Sue Unerman: How to Be You: Simone de Beauvoir and the art of authentic living by Skye Cleary.
Independent Forums: What is your favourite way to recharge? Sue Unerman: Swimming
Independent Forums: Who or what has inspired you this year and why?
Sue Unerman: Just started two new jobs – the people I have met, their enthusiasm and energy is amazing.
Independent Forums: What is your biggest source of motivation? Sue Unerman: Winning
Independent Forums: How would you describe a typical day? Sue Unerman: Fun, energetic, fast-paced
Independent Forums: What’s one thing about you that most people don’t know? Sue Unerman: I once got to the very end of Super MarioLand on my Gameboy and freed the princess.
Independent Forums: What’s one thing about your organisation that you wish more people knew? Sue Unerman: How innovative it is
Independent Forums: How has your perception about the world of work evolved over the past three years? Sue Unerman: I’ve come to understand that belonging is crucial and that feeling othered is soul destroying and no one should have that experience. My book Belonging, the key to transforming and maintaining diversity, equality and inclusion at work was published in paperback in 2022 with new research that shows little change in the numbers of people that have experienced bias, harassment or inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. We need to fix this culture. Everyone is on a journey, everyone will make mistakes, but we need everyone to take a role in building a better kinder workplace.
Independent Forums: Where do you see the biggest opportunity to transform the way we work? Sue Unerman: AI to cut out unnecessary repetitive work. Belonging to create a great culture.
Independent Forums: What are you most looking forward to at Future Work Scenarios 2023? Sue Unerman: A commitment for transformation
Sue Unerman will join a panel exploring the future of culture at FWS23 on 11 May in London.
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